Public Relations is usually confused with advertising, press agentry, propaganda, publicity, public affairs, etc., but these are some of the tools used by the all absorbing discipline of public relations for achieving its objectives. Public relations can be classified into various types, such as:-
Governmental/Official PR
Financial/Industrial/Commercial PR
Political PR
International PR
Official PR:               Public Relations is considered to be an essential components for the smooth functioning of any government, state agency or department. Although official PR departments are considered to be non political and non partisan, the parties in power in some third world countries, often try to use these for achieving/furthering their  own political ends. The basic duties/functions of a PR set-up of a government include:
To keep the citizens informed of the government policies, achievements welfare programmes and projects
To interpret the rules, procedures, laws and the new enactments in an easy and simple language and to keep the citizens informed of all matters/vital issues having a bearing on their lives.
To keep the Federal Ministers and the concerned departments abreast of the public relations to the various policies/decisions of the government and also suggest measures for avoiding adverse reactions.
All governments organize their PR set-ups and assign them jobs keeping in view their own peculiar and requirement. The PR departments of the industrial countries have been very active in promoting the sale of their products, while in the case of super power their PR outfits have been attempting to increase their global sphere of influence as well.
Financial PR:            Branch of public relations specializing in corporate disclosure responsibilities, stockholder relations, and relations with the professional investor community. Financial public relations is concerned not only with matters of corporate image and the cultivation of a favorable financial and investment environment but also with legal interpretation and adherence to Securities and Exchange Commission and other government regulations, as well as with the Disclosure requirements of the securities exchanges. Its practitioners, therefore, include lawyers with expertise in such areas as tender offers and takeovers, public offerings, proxy solicitation, and insider trading.
Political PR:              All political parties recognize the importance of PR for increasing their influence in the society and for winning over the support of the people. Important political parties in the Western countries, having democratic dispensations, establish PR advisory committees, composed of PR experts of great standing, to create their channels of communication with the people and to convert them into their sympathizers or followers. These political parties also set up bureau in all important towns and cities to make people familiar with their party manifestos and programmes. The main aims and objectives of PR programmes launched by the political parties are:
To introduce their programmes, policies and party manifestoes to the citizens with a view to enlisting their support.
To convince the people to take up membership of the political party.
To convince the citizens about the legitimacy and correctness of party’s stand on various crucial issues as well as party goals and objectives, making them belives that these were the best under the given circumstances and in the supreme national interest as compared with those chalked out by other political parties.
To remain constantly in touch with the party loyalists, voters and sympathizers with a view to ensuring their continued support and cooperation.
To raise funds for the political party enabling it to steadfastly pursue its programmes and policies.
International PR:                  The basic aim of international PR is to project abroad a positive image of the country and its people as well as to create an increased awareness about the country’s policy goals, its endeavors for socio economic development and for promoting peace within and outside. Though it is the main objective of international PR/diplomacy, but efforts are also made for attracting foreign investments, boost up tourism and the sales of the national product. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Pakistan’s missions abroad to maintain, at official level, an overall good image of the country. But it is imperative that cordial friendly relations that exist between Pakistan and other governments be diversified to their mutual benefits so that a reflection of good relations is found in all walks of life. This vital job is handled by the External Publicity Wing (E.P.Wing) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting through its over 20 Information Sections abroad. The Information Sections, which are attached to Pakistan’s missions in major countries, cultivate good relations with leaders of public opinion, intellectuals and the working journalists and facilitate, as and when required their visits to Pakistan. The E.P Wing is also responsible for removing mistrust and suspicions about Pakistan by providing factual information in addition to counteracting negative propaganda. It also prepares a feedback on the general views of the people and foreign media on various issues of interest to Pakistan. Efforts are also made to beef up these activities through exchange of delegations comprising of leaders in various walks of life between Pakistan and various friendly countries.


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