Holding a press conference is one of the best promotions you can do for a product or service, or to establish a certain agenda. Gathering the press together gives your story a chance to be covered and therefore be known all over the place.

PREPARE THE PLACE FOR PRESS CONFERENCE:      Usually, a press conference is held in a place familiar to the media like the local municipal building or a hotel. Consider the place’s accommodation capacity, too. How many people do you expect to come at the press conference? If there will be TV coverage, the place should have enough space where to set up cameras. There should also be electrical outlets. If it will be an outdoor event, make sure you’ll have an alternative place in case of bad weather.


CHOOSE THE BEST TIME AND DAY FOR THE PRESS CONFERENCE: Whatever day and time you choose, make sure that you start the press conference on time. Media people are busy people. They still have other events to cover. Being on time will earn you respect from the media.


INVITE: Sending media advisory is the best way to invite media people. The advisory should have all the information about the event. Send this through fax, mail, or e-mail a week before the event to give editors time to think about the story and assign a reporter. Update them at least two days before the event so you can estimate how many will go. Calling them up will increase interest of the event, too.


PREPARE MATERIALS: Have a checklist of everything you need for the press conference like good speakers, microphone, lights, tables, chairs, fact sheet, press release, presentation materials, and foods.


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